KALLYAS Responsive Multi-purpose Joomla Template

KALLYAS Responsive Multi-purpose Joomla Template


This is Kallyas Template, one of the most complete, premium template ever made. This is an ultra-premium, highly-responsive Joomla Template built for today websites. It’s super flexible, clean design (and code), without no modesty. It has the latest techologies and trends and it can be used in a huge variety of domains. It’s also a great deal having premium plugins inside!!

Remember, support is given through our Support Forums.

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Admin Screenshots


Full list of Features:

  • Joomla 3.x compatible
  • Own framework based on Joomla’s native framework combined with Bootstrap
  • Unlimited colors and combinations!
  • Virtuemart / Ecommerce integration
  • SEO Ready
  • Translation Ready
  • Responsive layout
  • Dark / Light themes
  • 6 Homepages with different module combinations
  • Around 70 modules positions or various combinations
  • Huge slider variety:
    • iOS Slider
    • Creative Slider (based on Revolution Slider)
    • Fixed Sliders
      • Style 1 (Flex Slider)
      • Style 2 (Nivo Slider)
      • Style 3 (Wow Slider)
    • 3D Cute Slider
    • Fancy Slider
    • Circular Content
    • Static Content (great variety)
    • Portfolio Slider Devices (based on Revolution Slider)
    • Portfolio Slider Frames
    • Laptop Slider
    • iCarousel
    • CSS3 Panels
  • Genious Portfolio Layouts (using Joomla API)
    • Carousels Layout
    • Sortable Layout
    • Category Layout on multiple columns
  • 35 custom modules created specially for this template! with various layouts
  • Shortcodes System
  • Custom pages designs
  • Pricing tables
  • Blog section with comments
  • Photo Gallery
  • FAQ Section
  • 404 Page redesign
  • Offline Page redesign
  • Google Fonts support
  • Newsletter module based on Mailchimp
  • Built-in Prettyphoto lightbox with autopopup & open from link functionality
  • Transparent modal pages
  • Custom QR Code generator
  • Sitemap design included
  • Quick Install with demo data & Standalone standalone version aswell
  • PSD Files included
  • 960px / 1200px grid system
  • Great social media support!
  • Built in styles
  • & many others

Many thanks to




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Update History

Copy the existing files from the latest version in updates folder. Don’t forget to make a backup first!!!

* Version 1.5.2 / 19.06.2015

+ Updated PrettyPhoto script to 3.1.5 (fixed vulnerability)

* Version 1.5.1 / 28.01.2015

+ Fixed HGDyno field causing JS error which doesn't show all module tabs (eg HG Static Content module) + Fixed HG Virtuemart Carousel product display problem+ Fixed issue with template not uploading a certain folder (custom) which was causing problems like not displaying Menu item extra parameters.+ Fixed Recommended layyout in VM+ Fixed VM not allowing to create categegories or clone products (if you do encounter this problem please contact support)+ Updated HG Newsletter module

* Version 1.5 / 14.01.2015

Be careful, this latest update adds a new uploading picture for Portfolio Articles. Meaning that if you have extra images added, they will be reset and you have to add them once again. That's because there was no other option to add unlimited uploading fields without harming the old added images. If you have too many, it's indicated not to update. Thanks for understanding!+ Dropped Joomla 2.5.x version because Joomla! 2.5 Support Ended On December 31, 2014! Here's more info https://docs.joomla.org/Why_Migrate + Updated Virtuemart to work properly with Kallyas for Joomla 3.3+ Updated quickstart package to contain Virtuemart as well (previously was removed due some problems)+ Updated HG Assets plugin to a general stable version which can be used across Hogash templates. Also added an option to choose Bootstrap version for the grid system.+ Shortcodes splitted, general shortcodes are in /plugins/system/hg_assets/shortcodes (grid, common shortcodes, shortcode helper), while Kallyas specific shortcodes are added into /templates/kallyas/custom/shortcodes/+ XML custom forms (for articles, menu item extra options) are not moved to /templates/kallyas/custom/forms/

* UPDATE 1.4.1 / 06.05.2014

+ Fixed jQuery plugin which wasn't working for Joomla 3.x versions

* UPDATE 1.4 / 18.04.2014

+ Fixed Strict Standards errors+ Fixed Edit for for articles, in frontend for J3.x+ Fixed display component on homepage+ Fixed menu item separator+ Fixed Accordion Shortcode+ Updated extensions+ Added 3 extra header styles+ Added infocard when hovering Logo+ Added Call to action button in header+ Added video support for iOS Slider+ Updated Quickstart packages to J! 2.5.19 and J! 3.2.3 and updated Quickstart packages installation, data not included, you must select Kallyas Sample Data to have everything installed.

* Version 1.3.2 / 20.11.2013

+ Fixed Shortcode library+ Fixed small problems in the shortcode files in Assets plugin+ Fixed Revolution slider not being compatible with 3.2+ Fixed FeatureBoxes problem with icons not being displayed on some webhostings+ Fixed date bug

* Version 1.3 / 17.11.2013

(changelog in updates folder)+ Updated Quickstart packages to 2.5.16 and 3.2.+ Updated HG Team Module which was having problems with generating thumbnails with grayscale effect+ Fixed problem with assigning template styles to different menu items, having SEF enabled.+ Added twitter url field in template settings. Leave blank and will add the home url. + Changed date under breadcrumbs to translate itself on other languages+ Fixed Revolution slider startingWidth parameter which was set to 890px, now set for 1130px+ Added translatable support to Portfolio Sortable+ Added Responsive offline page+ Fixed navigation links (next/prev) for portfolio article views+ Fixed google maps view navigation from left side not showing them (HG Static content module :: maps view).+ Removed Virtuemart from Joomla 2.5 package. The component now needs to be installed manually be the user and the layouts will be automatically overriden. Instructions how to configure the component can be found in the documentation.+ Fixed VM listings views when sidebar present. Added row-fluid instead of row.+ Fixed Css3 Panels Module not adding a link even though is added in admin.+ Fixed Style3 for Latest posts module which didn't checked wether there's an image or not.+ Fixed active state for sidebar menu which was applying styles to all children items

* Version 1.2 / 27.06.2013

+ Fixed twitter feed+ Fixed slider fixed + boxed

* Version 1.1 / 18.05.2013

+ Fixed custom id problem in mod_hg_vm_products_carousel module. Also updated the layout field so in case you have problems, try selecting again the layout of the module and re-save.+ Fixed pkg_kallyas.zip which was displaying an error upon installation. I removed <folder>fonts</folder> in the templateDetails.xml file inside.+ Fixed mod_hg_team module. in the tmpl/default.php file i replaced 'grayScale' with 'grayscale'+ Fixed the topnav/navright list. The top_pos position wasn't displayed if support & hidden_login have unpublished modules. Updated the condition.+ Fixed mod_hg_static_content not displaying multiple markers.+ Fixed menu items background-color problem.+ Added superfish support to default menu module. If you create a Menu Module and place it in the position "navigation", make sure you add "sf-menu" in the Module Suffix class field, this will trigger the superfish JS.+ Added width/height values for the HG Team module

* Version 1.0.3 / 27.04.2013

+ Fixed image resizing in Portfolio categories. Not having height values, there were some Warnings (Division by zero). Added a default height value given by the width vs. height ratio.+ Added Relative/Absolute path setting in HG Static Content Module - Maps layout. This fixes the Map's Pin problem.+ Added posibility to have another menu than the Superfish menu included in the template. + New position 'navigation'. This will hold menu modules published through Module Manager. To disable the template's default menu, go to Template Settings > Kallyas > Default menu (option) - select "No Menu". This will activate the 'navigation position'.

* Version 1.0.2x / 15.04.2013

+ Fixed a problem of the Joomla 3.x's installation which was not passing the last step of it. The solution is either to open installation/index.php and on line 8 to add this line ini_set('display_errors','off'); or just make sure display_errors in php is set to off (at least for the installation).

* Version 1.0.2 / 11.04.2013

+ Fixed some modules which had problems with the earlier versions of PHP 5.3.x of the PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN constant. Fixed (modules affected mod_hg_featureboxes, mod_hg_imageboxes, mod_hg_latestposts, mod_hg_pricingtables, mod_hg_serviceboxes).

* Version 1.0.1 / 09.04.2013

+ Fixed module mod_hg_vm_products_carousel added custom ITEM ID field. If the 'source' page where the carousel is published has many modules, some of them might appear also inside the product's page.+ Added Licenses folder inside the pack

** Version 1.0 / 09.04.2013 – Initial release

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