Pissmo Clean Responsive HTML5 Template
Pissmo is a Responsive HTML5 Template for Portfolio and Business.It comes with
4 differents homepage layouts,it comes with many image hover effects,Toggle head’s title,Highlight Color,Shortcodes,Totop plugins,Pretty Photo,Testimonials animate,google fonts and Much more … Easy to customize.

Main Features :
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Responsive layout for ipad , iphone …
- 4 differents layouts
- Shortcodes
- Portfolio image hover effect,Image hover effects different stlye
- jQuery Header’s title toggle
- Homepage testimonials Animate ( You can active or deactive this one)
- Highlight color
- Background pattern
- google font
- 10+ pages
- Google Map
- Pretty Photo
- Portfolios filter,Quicksand
- Cross Browser Compatible
- And much more
Credits :
+ Video previewVideo preview by mattwiebe.Video preview by DNA Incubation.+ Demo ImageDemo images by markjsebastian only for demo not included,Thank you for his awesome works.Demo images by Envanto only for demo not included.+ Patterns+ Icons
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