Theme Features
- Wordpress 3 Ready
- Fully customized theme
- WizyPanel Powered, one of the most powerful yet simple custom wordpress options panel on ThemeForest
- 3 in 1 Slider + 2 extra slider options (nivo & coin)
- WizySliderManager, one of the most powerfull slider managers
- 9 colour options
- 20+ usefull & usable shortcodes including tabs, sliders, twitter, flickr and collapsible content
- Built in documentation + installation guide screencast
- Ajax powered, working contact form
- 4 portfolio layout options
- Two blog layout options
- 6 custom widgets
- Wordpress Custom Post Types
- Custom fields for ease accessibility
- Import/Export theme settings for ease backup
Version Changelog
Version 1.3.2
Fixed bug where meta boxes data disappears due to wordpress's auto save.
Version 1.3.1
Adds compatibility to PHP 5.0 instead of 5.2.x only
Version 1.3
Header expands with logo sizeImproved twitter widget and shortcodeImproved export/import feature in WizyPanel
Version 1.1 + 1.2
IE7 navigation bug - FixedFrontpage twitter feed bug - Fixed
Version 1.0
First Release