XANO Personal / Corporate Premium HTML Template
Theme Features:
* 7 page templates (Home, About, Portfolio, Blog, Contact Form, 404 Error, Contact Form Confirm Page)
* Grid based design (960.gs) – sidebar that fits several 125×125 ads perfectly
* jQuery multiple banner slider
* jQuery Form Validation
* jQuery portfolio coda sliders
* jQuery Superfish Dropdown Menu
* IE6 Transparency JS Fix implemented
* Working contact/quote form
* Live validation of the contact form
* Contact form confirmation page
* Coded for good SEO results
* Easy to customize
* Valid XHTML / CSS
* Layout PSD Files
* Additional PSD files – parts of design for ease re-skinning
* Supported by all browsers
The fonts used in this theme it :Trebuchet MS
Note: I’m running some code encryption in this layout for protection. The buyed product is fully unencrypted and very easy to customize. Thank you for understanding.